Hello BHS and happy Christmas from UK
It’s now just over 10 years since Sandals, Who you helped rescue, patched up and sent on to UK, came out of quarantine.
So he must be about 12 years old.
He’s still going and attached are two sets of pics..The set of 4 is about 3 years ago and the single one is during the last year.
He’s well travelled having been to: Bahamas, England, wales, Scotland, ireland, Guernsey and Jersey.He’s getting a bit slow now and
has had some problems – two vestibular attacks about a year ago (now recovered) and in the last month has had a 4 hour
operation at liverpool University Small Animal Hospital ( about 3 miles from us) for 2 slipped discs . He’s now on the mend
and some obvious pain seems to have gone. we hope to have a few more years out of him – thanks to you.
They had to shave his back for the operation and this revealed the scar left from the wound on his back which you closed up.
Very pleased to see you are still going and helping to tackle the stray dog situation
From Dick,Diana and SANDALS

That potcake looks awfully cold up north 🙂 Thanks for the update…